Gabby Gets It Done

Social Media


The Red Zone

Popular with parents and students alike, social media played a large role in marketing the high school football app and keeping the community engaged. User-generated content fueled our strategy.

While part of the audience are diehard high school football fans, the low-hanging fruit are the students and their relatives. Good action shots of the students or pictures from schools with loyal fans tended to garner the most engagement.



Severe weather is a huge traffic source in East Texas. At KLTV we pride ourselves in being everywhere our viewers are - including social media. We used the platforms to show viewers the effects of the storms and keep them updated on potential dangers.


I like to be challenged and video is an area where I’d like to improve. I’ve been pushing myself to incorporate it more into my strategy.

As part of the effort behind the Energy Weldfab podcast, Manufacturing Leadership, I record all our episodes. The plan is to clean them up and eventually upload them to YouTube. The other benefit to recording the video is that we can use video bits on social media.

Through different iPhone apps, I’ve also experimented with adding animation to static images.